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Daniel Sheffer

“We are not living in 1938, but today. Let's rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue!”

Daniel Sheffer
Entrepreneur, founder of the initiative and chairperson of the foundation
Metin Hakverdi

“The fight against anti-Semitism also includes making Jewish life publicly accessible again on a daily basis”

Metin Hakverdi
Member of the German Bundestag, SPD
Niels Annen

“100,000 votes for the rebuilding of the Bornplatz Synagogue — and mine is there! Against anti-Semitism and for lively Jewish life in Eimsbüttel and throughout Hamburg, get involved!”

Niels Annen
Minister of State at the Foreign Office, SPD
Matthias Bartke

“Anti-Semitism is a shame, especially in Germany. Therefore: No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.”

Matthias Bartke
Member of the German Bundestag
Johannes Kahrs

“The Nazis demolished the Bornplatz Synagogue so that Judaism was no longer visible in Hamburg. Now we have to rebuild it true to the original!”

Johannes Kahrs
Former member of the German Bundestag
Dirk Mescher

“Now is the time in Hamburg to say “No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue “as a future-oriented symbol of Jewish life in Hamburg.”

Dirk Mescher
Managing Director of the Education and Science Union
Shlomo Bistritzky

“The discussion about rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue are coming at the right time: Germany has woken up to do something about growing Anti-Semitism.”

Shlomo Bistritzky
State Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Hamburg
Aydan Özoguz

“In 1938, the Bornplatz Synagogue was desecrated and set on fire. We are committed to rebuilding them. ”

Aydan Özoguz
Member of the German Bundestag, SPD
Kirsten Wagner

“Especially in times when many people are unsettled, it is important to set an example for democratic values, tolerance and diversity. That is why we are happy to support the initiative “No to Anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”

Kirsten Wagner
Managing Director of the NordMetall Foundation
Rüdiger Kruse

“Our free society has no place for anti-Semitism. It has space for the diversity of beliefs, of convictions. It needs places where this diversity is visibly experienced. That is why we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue.”

Rüdiger Kruse
Member of the German Bundestag
Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen

“The Executive Committee of the University of Hamburg is also in favour of rebuilding the synagogue. Proximity is important to us. ”

Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen
President of the University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Micha Teuscher

“HAW Hamburg is a place of science, it is also a place of dialogue, understanding, tolerance and humanity. Jewish life belongs to Hamburg — so we are clearly in favour of a new building for the Bornplatz Synagogue.”

Prof. Dr. Micha Teuscher
President of HAW Hamburg
Heiko Maas

“As long as fellow citizens of Jewish faith are spat on or beaten in Germany, it is up to all of us to make it clear that we are not prepared to accept this. One sign that we want Jewish life in Germany is the construction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”

Heiko Maas
Federal minister
Olaf Scholz

“It is good that there is Jewish life again in Germany. It is important that we stand up against Anti-Semitism and it is very good when the Bornplatz Synagogue in Hamburg is resurrected. ”

Olaf Scholz
Federal Chancellor of Germany
Peter Tschentscher

“Jewish religion and culture must have a firm place in our diverse Hamburg urban society. This includes the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue in the Grindelquarter, which was destroyed by the Nazis and is to once again become a central location of Jewish culture and religion in Hamburg.

Peter Tschentscher
First Mayor of Hamburg
Katharina Fegebank

“I am delighted with the initiative! In my personal and professional environment, I will promote that everyone is really involved and says "No" to Anti-Semitism and "Yes" to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”

Katharina Fegebank
Deputy Mayor of Hamburg
Philipp Stricharz

“Dear Hamburgians, we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue together with you! With your support we want to send a signal that the entire city wants this synagogue!”

Philipp Stricharz
Chairman of the Jewish Community of Hamburg
Olaf Duge

“I am happy if today we are once again setting an example against anti-Semitism where this wild parking lot at the university used to be.”

Olaf Duge
Spokesperson for urban development and housing of the Green Citizenship Group
Miriam Putz

“Anti-Semitism has no place here in Hamburg, in Germany, in the EU and Europe. Support this project just as we do in the Green Group Hamburg.”

Miriam Putz
Spokeswoman for Economy, Tourism, Port and Airport of the Green Citizenship Group
Mareike Engels

“It is not only important to us to combat anti-Semitism, but it is also important to us to actively promote Jewish life in the city and let it shine in new splendor.”

Mareike Engels
Spokeswoman for Social Affairs, Inclusion, Women and Equality of the Green Citizenship Group
Shlomo Bistritzky

“The discussion about rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue are coming at the right time: Germany has woken up to do something about growing Anti-Semitism.”

Shlomo Bistritzky
State Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Hamburg
Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen

“The Executive Committee of the University of Hamburg is also in favour of rebuilding the synagogue. Proximity is important to us. ”

Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen
President of the University of Hamburg
Dr. Kai Greve

“Jewish life in Hamburg has existed since the end of the 16th century. Although the relationship between Hamburgers and their fellow Jewish citizens was not always untroubled, Jewish life in Germany must be unhostile and possible in the peaceful coexistence of all religions.”

Dr. Kai Greve
Church District Council Hamburg East
Cord Wöhlke

“I too say no to anti-Semitism and yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue! The reconstruction of the synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in 1939 would be an important and widely visible sign of remembrance. It can also be a way to live Jewish life and Jewish culture more strongly in Hamburg. ”

Cord Wöhlke
Managing Director Budni

We have 2021 with the campaign “No to Anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.” won over 100,000 supporters in Hamburg, who, with their approval, set an example for the future of Jewish life in Hamburg. Supporters from politics, business, culture and media were at our side.

Selection of supporters from 2021

Dr. Kai Greve

“Jewish life in Hamburg has existed since the end of the 16th century. Although the relationship between Hamburgers and their fellow Jewish citizens was not always untroubled, Jewish life in Germany must be unhostile and possible in the peaceful coexistence of all religions.”

Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen

“The Executive Committee of the University of Hamburg is also in favour of rebuilding the synagogue. Proximity is important to us. ”

Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen
President of the University of Hamburg
Cord Wöhlke

“I too say no to anti-Semitism and yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue! The reconstruction of the synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in 1939 would be an important and widely visible sign of remembrance. It can also be a way to live Jewish life and Jewish culture more strongly in Hamburg. ”

Cord Wöhlke
Managing Director Budni
Shlomo Bistritzky

“The discussion about rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue are coming at the right time: Germany has woken up to do something about growing Anti-Semitism.”

Shlomo Bistritzky
State Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Hamburg
Shlomo Bistritzky

“The discussion about rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue are coming at the right time: Germany has woken up to do something about growing Anti-Semitism.”

Shlomo Bistritzky
State Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Hamburg
Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen

“The Executive Committee of the University of Hamburg is also in favour of rebuilding the synagogue. Proximity is important to us. ”

Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen
President of the University of Hamburg
Dr. Kai Greve

“Jewish life in Hamburg has existed since the end of the 16th century. Although the relationship between Hamburgers and their fellow Jewish citizens was not always untroubled, Jewish life in Germany must be unhostile and possible in the peaceful coexistence of all religions.”

Dr. Kai Greve
Church District Council Hamburg East
Cord Wöhlke

“I too say no to anti-Semitism and yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue! The reconstruction of the synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in 1939 would be an important and widely visible sign of remembrance. It can also be a way to live Jewish life and Jewish culture more strongly in Hamburg. ”

Cord Wöhlke
Managing Director Budni