“It is good that there is Jewish life again in Germany. It is important that we stand up against anti-Semitism and it is very good when the Bornplatz Synagogue in Hamburg is resurrected. ”
“Jewish religion and culture must have a firm place in our diverse Hamburg urban society. This includes the reconstruction of the synagogue on Bornplatz in the Grindelviertel, which was destroyed by the Nazis and is to once again become a central location of Jewish culture and religion in Hamburg.”
“I am delighted with the initiative!
In my personal and professional environment, I will promote that everyone is really involved and say no to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“We are not living in 1938, but today. Let's rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue!”
“The fight against anti-Semitism also includes making Jewish life publicly accessible again on a daily basis”
“100,000 votes for the rebuilding of the Bornplatz Synagogue — and mine is there! Against anti-Semitism and for lively Jewish life in Eimsbüttel and throughout Hamburg, get involved!”
“Anti-Semitism is a shame, especially in Germany. Therefore: No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“The Nazis demolished the Bornplatz Synagogue so that Judaism was no longer visible in Hamburg. Now we have to rebuild it true to the original!”
“Now is the time in Hamburg to say “No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue “as a future-oriented symbol of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“The discussion about rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue are coming at the right time: Germany has woken up to do something about growing Anti-Semitism.”
“In 1938, the Bornplatz Synagogue was desecrated and set on fire. We are committed to rebuilding them. ”
“Especially in times when many people are unsettled, it is important to set an example for democratic values, tolerance and diversity. That is why we are happy to support the initiative “No to Anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Our free society has no place for anti-Semitism. It has space for the diversity of beliefs, of convictions. It needs places where this diversity is visibly experienced. That is why we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“The Executive Committee of the University of Hamburg is also in favour of rebuilding the synagogue. Proximity is important to us. ”
“HAW Hamburg is a place of science, it is also a place of dialogue, understanding, tolerance and humanity. Jewish life belongs to Hamburg — so we are clearly in favour of a new building for the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“As long as fellow citizens of Jewish faith are spat on or beaten in Germany, it is up to all of us to make it clear that we are not prepared to accept this. One sign that we want Jewish life in Germany is the construction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“It is good that there is Jewish life again in Germany. It is important that we stand up against Anti-Semitism and it is very good when the Bornplatz Synagogue in Hamburg is resurrected. ”
“Jewish religion and culture must have a firm place in our diverse Hamburg urban society. This includes the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue in the Grindelquarter, which was destroyed by the Nazis and is to once again become a central location of Jewish culture and religion in Hamburg.
“I am delighted with the initiative! In my personal and professional environment, I will promote that everyone is really involved and says "No" to Anti-Semitism and "Yes" to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Dear Hamburgians, we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue together with you! With your support we want to send a signal that the entire city wants this synagogue!”
“I am happy if today we are once again setting an example against anti-Semitism where this wild parking lot at the university used to be.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place here in Hamburg, in Germany, in the EU and Europe. Support this project just as we do in the Green Group Hamburg.”
“It is not only important to us to combat anti-Semitism, but it is also important to us to actively promote Jewish life in the city and let it shine in new splendor.”
“We are not living in 1938, but today. Let's rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue!”
“The fight against anti-Semitism also includes making Jewish life publicly accessible again on a daily basis”
“100,000 votes for the rebuilding of the Bornplatz Synagogue — and mine is there! Against anti-Semitism and for lively Jewish life in Eimsbüttel and throughout Hamburg, get involved!”
“Anti-Semitism is a shame, especially in Germany. Therefore: No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“The Nazis demolished the Bornplatz Synagogue so that Judaism was no longer visible in Hamburg. Now we have to rebuild it true to the original!”
“Now is the time in Hamburg to say “No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue “as a future-oriented symbol of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“The discussion about rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue are coming at the right time: Germany has woken up to do something about growing Anti-Semitism.”
“In 1938, the Bornplatz Synagogue was desecrated and set on fire. We are committed to rebuilding them. ”
“Especially in times when many people are unsettled, it is important to set an example for democratic values, tolerance and diversity. That is why we are happy to support the initiative “No to Anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Our free society has no place for anti-Semitism. It has space for the diversity of beliefs, of convictions. It needs places where this diversity is visibly experienced. That is why we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“The Executive Committee of the University of Hamburg is also in favour of rebuilding the synagogue. Proximity is important to us. ”
“HAW Hamburg is a place of science, it is also a place of dialogue, understanding, tolerance and humanity. Jewish life belongs to Hamburg — so we are clearly in favour of a new building for the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“As long as fellow citizens of Jewish faith are spat on or beaten in Germany, it is up to all of us to make it clear that we are not prepared to accept this. One sign that we want Jewish life in Germany is the construction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“It is good that there is Jewish life again in Germany. It is important that we stand up against Anti-Semitism and it is very good when the Bornplatz Synagogue in Hamburg is resurrected. ”
“Jewish religion and culture must have a firm place in our diverse Hamburg urban society. This includes the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue in the Grindelquarter, which was destroyed by the Nazis and is to once again become a central location of Jewish culture and religion in Hamburg.
“I am delighted with the initiative! In my personal and professional environment, I will promote that everyone is really involved and says "No" to Anti-Semitism and "Yes" to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Dear Hamburgians, we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue together with you! With your support we want to send a signal that the entire city wants this synagogue!”
“I am happy if today we are once again setting an example against anti-Semitism where this wild parking lot at the university used to be.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place here in Hamburg, in Germany, in the EU and Europe. Support this project just as we do in the Green Group Hamburg.”
“It is not only important to us to combat anti-Semitism, but it is also important to us to actively promote Jewish life in the city and let it shine in new splendor.”
“Bornplatz is located in the middle of Eimsbüttel, right on Grindel, and I am pleased that Eimsbüttel is being further strengthened as a center of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place in our society. That is why it is absolutely right to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue and thus make Jewish life more visible in Hamburg.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place among us. It is incredibly important that we set an example against it. This synagogue at this location can certainly be that symbol.”
“As a politician from Eimsbüttel, as a student and as an anti-fascist, I clearly say 'yes' to this initiative. We need a synagogue on Bornplatz.”
“Jewish life belongs to Hamburg and must become more visible again. I support this initiative and would be delighted if you would do the same.”
“I think it's not too much to ask for us to be able to make some of the Jewish life in Hamburg visible again.”
“And it is just as important that Jewish life becomes more visible in our public sphere. That is why I support this initiative.”
“Anti-Semitism in Germany too is the painful experience that we have had to make again for some time now. I wonder where all this anti-Semitism comes from. Have we learned nothing from history?”
“In order to heal the wounds of the past, we must set an example in the present.”
“A very significant part of the cultural treasure that was thought to have been lost has therefore reappeared. After 82 years, the crown is now being brought back home as a symbol of the future of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“That's when that dreadful night comes. Hundreds of synagogues are being destroyed all over Germany, including ours on Bornplatz. Now I've heard that there is finally a way to rebuild our magnificent, proud house. Darkness is behind me, light is ahead of me.”
“When we consider that the worst curse word in many Hamburg schoolyards is now 'You Jew, 'then it becomes very clear that we must send a signal that Jewish life in Hamburg is not only back but also welcomed and has a firm place.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place in Hamburg and never will, neither in public spaces nor in our hearts. The commitment to the Jewish faith needs a place — that is exactly the Bornplatz Synagogue! ”
“Racism, fascism and anti-Semitism destroyed the synagogue. The modern, cosmopolitan society can rebuild the synagogue. That would be a good sign for tolerance, for a peaceful coexistence of religions and cultures. ”
“Jewish life is part of Hamburg. I therefore say yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue and very clearly no to anti-Semitism.”
“I want Jewish life to be visible, in Hamburg and in Germany.”
“We should do everything we can to ensure that Jewish life has a strong place in our society, because Judaism is an important root of our European culture.”
“Jewish life in Hamburg has existed since the end of the 16th century. Although the relationship between Hamburgers and their fellow Jewish citizens was not always untroubled, Jewish life in Germany must be unhostile and possible in the peaceful coexistence of all religions.”
“Cosmopolitanism and religious freedom are just as much a part of Hamburg as the port and the Alster. People from over one hundred and twenty nations with a wide variety of religions work here at Asklepios. We are against racism, anti-Semitism and are committed to the campaign.”
“We want Jewish life in our city to become even more visible. This is important for our diverse society.”
“The synagogue on Bornplatz was destroyed 82 years ago. The Jewish community has now set itself the goal of rebuilding it there. For that, she needs the support of all of us.”
“Next year we will be celebrating 1700 years of Jewish life in Germany. It is the ideal year to once again anchor a visible sign of Jewish life in the city in Hamburg.”
“75 years after the end of the war, it is really time for us to rebuild this synagogue here in Hamburg. It is simply important to see Jewish life properly again in this city.”
“We support the Bornplatz Synagogue's initiative for more Jewish life in Hamburg, because Jewish life belongs to Hamburg, as a matter of course.”
“In today's world, everyone is required to make a clear commitment against anti-Semitism.”
“This is a very important project for Hamburg. I hope that all Hamburgers will participate.”
“Grindel stood for Jewish life in Hamburg. Today, Grindel once again stands for Jewish life in Hamburg. Let us rebuild the synagogue on Bornplatz together.”
“The Shoah and the mass murder of Jews was not only a breach of civilization, but also impoverished our society spiritually and culturally. That is why we must do everything we can to promote Jewish life in Hamburg again and make it visible.”
“No to anti-Semitism. Not in Hamburg, not in Germany, not anywhere else.”
“Anti-Semitism must have no place in Hamburg. You too support Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“We need more visibility of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“Jewish life has been part of Hamburg for centuries. It is time for it to be more visible.”
“Today, it is our task to ensure that anti-Semitism never again has a majority in this country. Rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue on the square where it burned down is the right signal for this.”
“The school is now also owned by the Jewish community and I think it is time to take the next step to bring the synagogue back to its original place.”
“It is long overdue that we make Jewish life in Hamburg more visible. The Bornplatz Synagogue is just the right place for that.”
“82 years after the Reichspogrom Night, it is time not only to remember the dead, but also to send clear signals for a diverse society and for Jewish life today.”
“I was delighted that the coalition decided in the last legislature to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue. I know that it has sparked enthusiasm in the Jewish community and the community members are looking forward to this place when it is realized.”
“The DGB is supporting the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. The more Jewish life we have in the city, the more we are setting an example against far-right and anti-Semitic activities. ”
“I am delighted if the Bornplatz Synagogue will be part of Hamburg again in the future, just like the Alster, the Port, Michel and Haspa. Haspa is there — join in too! ”
“We want to look ahead: We want a city of diversity, tolerance and a city that in the future can open up the future with all people, regardless of their denomination, orientation. In this respect, we stand by the reconstruction of the synagogue. ”
“We at Wärme Hamburg love our hometown and reject racism and discrimination. That is why we say “No to Anti-Semitism” and “Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.” Cast your vote too! ”
“The decision to rebuild a synagogue on the historic site, Bornplatz, is a nice, a clear sign against anti-Semitism. ”
“Yes to Bornplatz Synagogue... no to fascism. As the Turkish Community of Hamburg, we welcome the initiative and call for support from politics and society. ”
“We must do everything we can to overcome the growing anti-Semitism in our society. This includes making it clear that Jews have a permanent place in our society. With the reconstruction, we are sending an important signal for this.”
“The Bornplatz Synagogue was a place of flourishing Jewish life in Hamburg — an asset for our city. At the same time, the Bornplatz Synagogue became a place of crime and civil society failure. If there is now an opportunity to rebuild this town, it is a good sign for our city.”
“The fact that the Bornplatz Synagogue is being rebuilt is the best answer you can give the Nazis of that time to annoy them. But it is also an answer to today's anti-Semites of all stripes.”
“I see it as our task to promote religious peace in our city. For me, building the synagogue is a clear sign against increasing anti-Semitism.”
“As a Hamburg-based company, we stand by Jewish history, but also by the present and future. That is why we are very happy to participate in the campaign against anti-Semitism and for the Bornplatz Synagogue. “
“With the reconstruction of a place of prayer and encounter that was destroyed in such an abominable way, the city of Hamburg and its inhabitants have the chance to share another chapter in their history. ”
“Hamburg can only congratulate itself if the synagogue on Bornplatz is rebuilt. That fits in with our liberal city. I think it's a great signal against right-wing extremism!”
“As anti-Semitism continues to rise globally, the Bornplatz Synagogue is a living testimony to the call “never again” and a living symbol of the perseverance of the Jewish people. Thank you to the City of Hamburg and the Government of Germany for this important, symbolic and meaningful decision.”
“The reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue would be a really strong sign against anti-Semitism and for religious diversity, which thrives on people becoming visible to each other.”
„Die Initiative zum Wiederaufbau der Bornplatzsynagoge trägt dazu bei, dass jüdisches Leben in Hamburg weiter wächst. Als Bauwerk bringt die Synagoge den Wunsch und Willen der jüdischen Menschen in Hamburg zur Darstellung, dass dieses Leben in der Öffentlichkeit stattfindet.“
“Jewish life is an important part of our society. Germany would not be complete without the Jewish communities. We need you! ”
“I too say no to anti-Semitism and yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue! The reconstruction of the synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in 1939 would be an important and widely visible sign of remembrance. It can also be a way to live Jewish life and Jewish culture more strongly in Hamburg. ”
“I am pleased that we have seen a flourishing Jewish life in the Grindelviertel in recent years. In this respect, I support the construction of the new synagogue on Bornplatz and wish the project many supporters.”
“We have been living here in good quarters with the Jewish community for over 50 years, and we would like to expand this further. That is why we say no to anti-Semitism and yes to the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Diversity and tolerance are part of this city's DNA. As CEO of HHLA and as a citizen, I say “no” to any form of discrimination in my private and corporate environment. There must never again be a breeding ground for anti-Semitism in Germany. ”
“Hamburg is a place to arrive and meet — a cosmopolitan city. ”
“Jewish life belongs at the center of society: audible, visible, tangible. ”
“We are looking forward to the rebuilding of the Bornplatz Synagogue in the historic guise of 1906, making Jewish life possible in the middle of Hamburg and setting an example as a society. Jewish life enriches all of our lives — that is what we stand for, today and in the future. ”
“Jewish life belongs to us, to Germany, to Hamburg. What history teaches us: What ostracism and hate lead to. Therefore: No to anti-Semitism and yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue. Let us fill the memorials of destruction with life again. ”
“Where synagogues are rebuilt, humanity reigns. In this respect, we are delighted when the gap between the Hamburger Kammerspiele and the Bornplatz Synagogue will soon be filled again.”
We have 2021 with the campaign “No to Anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.” won over 100,000 supporters in Hamburg, who, with their approval, set an example for the future of Jewish life in Hamburg. Supporters from politics, business, culture and media were at our side.
Selection of supporters from 2021
“We must do everything we can to overcome the growing anti-Semitism in our society. This includes making it clear that Jews have a permanent place in our society. With the reconstruction, we are sending an important signal for this.”
“Hamburg can only congratulate itself if the synagogue on Bornplatz is rebuilt. That fits in with our liberal city. I think it's a great signal against right-wing extremism!”
“No to anti-Semitism. Not in Hamburg, not in Germany, not anywhere else.”
“We have been living here in good quarters with the Jewish community for over 50 years, and we would like to expand this further. That is why we say no to anti-Semitism and yes to the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Dear Hamburgians, we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue together with you! With your support we want to send a signal that the entire city wants this synagogue!”
“HAW Hamburg is a place of science, it is also a place of dialogue, understanding, tolerance and humanity. Jewish life belongs to Hamburg — so we are clearly in favour of a new building for the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“The Nazis demolished the Bornplatz Synagogue so that Judaism was no longer visible in Hamburg. Now we have to rebuild it true to the original!”
“100,000 votes for the rebuilding of the Bornplatz Synagogue — and mine is there! Against anti-Semitism and for lively Jewish life in Eimsbüttel and throughout Hamburg, get involved!”
“Anti-Semitism must have no place in Hamburg. You too support Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“Jewish life belongs to us, to Germany, to Hamburg. What history teaches us: What ostracism and hate lead to. Therefore: No to anti-Semitism and yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue. Let us fill the memorials of destruction with life again. ”
“82 years after the Reichspogrom Night, it is time not only to remember the dead, but also to send clear signals for a diverse society and for Jewish life today.”
“We are not living in 1938, but today. Let's rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue!”
“In order to heal the wounds of the past, we must set an example in the present.”
“The reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue would be a really strong sign against anti-Semitism and for religious diversity, which thrives on people becoming visible to each other.”
“It is not only important to us to combat anti-Semitism, but it is also important to us to actively promote Jewish life in the city and let it shine in new splendor.”
“Bornplatz must neither be forgotten nor become a museum. Bornplatz must once again become a place of active Jewish life.”
“Jewish life in Hamburg has existed since the end of the 16th century. Although the relationship between Hamburgers and their fellow Jewish citizens was not always untroubled, Jewish life in Germany must be unhostile and possible in the peaceful coexistence of all religions.”
“With the reconstruction of a place of prayer and encounter that was destroyed in such an abominable way, the city of Hamburg and its inhabitants have the chance to share another chapter in their history. ”
“Cosmopolitanism and religious freedom are just as much a part of Hamburg as the port and the Alster. People from over one hundred and twenty nations with a wide variety of religions work here at Asklepios. We are against racism, anti-Semitism and are committed to the campaign.”
“Bornplatz is located in the middle of Eimsbüttel, right on Grindel, and I am pleased that Eimsbüttel is being further strengthened as a center of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“I think it's not too much to ask for us to be able to make some of the Jewish life in Hamburg visible again.”
“In 1938, the Bornplatz Synagogue was desecrated and set on fire. We are committed to rebuilding them. ”
“Hamburg is a place to arrive and meet — a cosmopolitan city. ”
“Especially in times when many people are unsettled, it is important to set an example for democratic values, tolerance and diversity. That is why we are happy to support the initiative “No to Anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“The synagogue on Bornplatz was destroyed 82 years ago. The Jewish community has now set itself the goal of rebuilding it there. For that, she needs the support of all of us.”
“Jewish life is part of Hamburg. I therefore say yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue and very clearly no to anti-Semitism.”
“When we consider that the worst curse word in many Hamburg schoolyards is now 'You Jew, 'then it becomes very clear that we must send a signal that Jewish life in Hamburg is not only back but also welcomed and has a firm place.”
“And it is just as important that Jewish life becomes more visible in our public sphere. That is why I support this initiative.”
“It is long overdue that we make Jewish life in Hamburg more visible. The Bornplatz Synagogue is just the right place for that.”
“Anti-Semitism is a shame, especially in Germany. Therefore: No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“The Executive Committee of the University of Hamburg is also in favour of rebuilding the synagogue. Proximity is important to us. ”
“Racism, fascism and anti-Semitism destroyed the synagogue. The modern, cosmopolitan society can rebuild the synagogue. That would be a good sign for tolerance, for a peaceful coexistence of religions and cultures. ”
“This is a very important project for Hamburg. I hope that all Hamburgers will participate.”
“I am delighted with the initiative! In my personal and professional environment, I will promote that everyone is really involved and says "No" to Anti-Semitism and "Yes" to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Diversity and tolerance are part of this city's DNA. As CEO of HHLA and as a citizen, I say “no” to any form of discrimination in my private and corporate environment. There must never again be a breeding ground for anti-Semitism in Germany. ”
“Next year we will be celebrating 1700 years of Jewish life in Germany. It is the ideal year to once again anchor a visible sign of Jewish life in the city in Hamburg.”
“Today, it is our task to ensure that anti-Semitism never again has a majority in this country. Rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue on the square where it burned down is the right signal for this.”
“The fight against anti-Semitism also includes making Jewish life publicly accessible again on a daily basis”
“We need more visibility of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“I want Jewish life to be visible, in Hamburg and in Germany.”
“As a politician from Eimsbüttel, as a student and as an anti-fascist, I clearly say 'yes' to this initiative. We need a synagogue on Bornplatz.”
“In today's world, everyone is required to make a clear commitment against anti-Semitism.”
“Our free society has no place for anti-Semitism. It has space for the diversity of beliefs, of convictions. It needs places where this diversity is visibly experienced. That is why we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“We are looking forward to the rebuilding of the Bornplatz Synagogue in the historic guise of 1906, making Jewish life possible in the middle of Hamburg and setting an example as a society. Jewish life enriches all of our lives — that is what we stand for, today and in the future. ”
“That's when that dreadful night comes. Hundreds of synagogues are being destroyed all over Germany, including ours on Bornplatz. Now I've heard that there is finally a way to rebuild our magnificent, proud house. Darkness is behind me, light is ahead of me.”
“We want Jewish life in our city to become even more visible. This is important for our diverse society.”
“Where synagogues are rebuilt, humanity reigns. In this respect, we are delighted when the gap between the Hamburger Kammerspiele and the Bornplatz Synagogue will soon be filled again.”
“I too say no to anti-Semitism and yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue! The reconstruction of the synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in 1939 would be an important and widely visible sign of remembrance. It can also be a way to live Jewish life and Jewish culture more strongly in Hamburg. ”
“The DGB is supporting the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. The more Jewish life we have in the city, the more we are setting an example against far-right and anti-Semitic activities. ”
“I see it as our task to promote religious peace in our city. For me, building the synagogue is a clear sign against increasing anti-Semitism.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place here in Hamburg, in Germany, in the EU and Europe. Support this project just as we do in the Green Group Hamburg.”
“Jewish life has been part of Hamburg for centuries. It is time for it to be more visible.”
“As a Hamburg-based company, we stand by Jewish history, but also by the present and future. That is why we are very happy to participate in the campaign against anti-Semitism and for the Bornplatz Synagogue. “
“We should do everything we can to ensure that Jewish life has a strong place in our society, because Judaism is an important root of our European culture.”
“We want to look ahead: We want a city of diversity, tolerance and a city that in the future can open up the future with all people, regardless of their denomination, orientation. In this respect, we stand by the reconstruction of the synagogue. ”
“As anti-Semitism continues to rise globally, the Bornplatz Synagogue is a living testimony to the call “never again” and a living symbol of the perseverance of the Jewish people. Thank you to the City of Hamburg and the Government of Germany for this important, symbolic and meaningful decision.”
“Grindel stood for Jewish life in Hamburg. Today, Grindel once again stands for Jewish life in Hamburg. Let us rebuild the synagogue on Bornplatz together.”
“A very significant part of the cultural treasure that was thought to have been lost has therefore reappeared. After 82 years, the crown is now being brought back home as a symbol of the future of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place in Hamburg and never will, neither in public spaces nor in our hearts. The commitment to the Jewish faith needs a place — that is exactly the Bornplatz Synagogue! ”
„Die Initiative zum Wiederaufbau der Bornplatzsynagoge trägt dazu bei, dass jüdisches Leben in Hamburg weiter wächst. Als Bauwerk bringt die Synagoge den Wunsch und Willen der jüdischen Menschen in Hamburg zur Darstellung, dass dieses Leben in der Öffentlichkeit stattfindet.“
“The discussion about rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue are coming at the right time: Germany has woken up to do something about growing Anti-Semitism.”
“I am happy if today we are once again setting an example against anti-Semitism where this wild parking lot at the university used to be.”
“As long as fellow citizens of Jewish faith are spat on or beaten in Germany, it is up to all of us to make it clear that we are not prepared to accept this. One sign that we want Jewish life in Germany is the construction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“The fact that the Bornplatz Synagogue is being rebuilt is the best answer you can give the Nazis of that time to annoy them. But it is also an answer to today's anti-Semites of all stripes.”
“75 years after the end of the war, it is really time for us to rebuild this synagogue here in Hamburg. It is simply important to see Jewish life properly again in this city.”
“Jewish life belongs to Hamburg and must become more visible again. I support this initiative and would be delighted if you would do the same.”
“Jewish religion and culture must have a firm place in our diverse Hamburg urban society. This includes the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue in the Grindelquarter, which was destroyed by the Nazis and is to once again become a central location of Jewish culture and religion in Hamburg.
“Yes to Bornplatz Synagogue... no to fascism. As the Turkish Community of Hamburg, we welcome the initiative and call for support from politics and society. ”
“The Bornplatz Synagogue was a place of flourishing Jewish life in Hamburg — an asset for our city. At the same time, the Bornplatz Synagogue became a place of crime and civil society failure. If there is now an opportunity to rebuild this town, it is a good sign for our city.”
“The school is now also owned by the Jewish community and I think it is time to take the next step to bring the synagogue back to its original place.”
“We support the Bornplatz Synagogue's initiative for more Jewish life in Hamburg, because Jewish life belongs to Hamburg, as a matter of course.”
“I was delighted that the coalition decided in the last legislature to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue. I know that it has sparked enthusiasm in the Jewish community and the community members are looking forward to this place when it is realized.”
“I am pleased that we have seen a flourishing Jewish life in the Grindelviertel in recent years. In this respect, I support the construction of the new synagogue on Bornplatz and wish the project many supporters.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place among us. It is incredibly important that we set an example against it. This synagogue at this location can certainly be that symbol.”
“We at Wärme Hamburg love our hometown and reject racism and discrimination. That is why we say “No to Anti-Semitism” and “Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.” Cast your vote too! ”
“Anti-Semitism in Germany too is the painful experience that we have had to make again for some time now. I wonder where all this anti-Semitism comes from. Have we learned nothing from history?”
“It is good that there is Jewish life again in Germany. It is important that we stand up against Anti-Semitism and it is very good when the Bornplatz Synagogue in Hamburg is resurrected. ”
“Now is the time in Hamburg to say “No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue “as a future-oriented symbol of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place in our society. That is why it is absolutely right to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue and thus make Jewish life more visible in Hamburg.”
“I am very pleased that the Bornplatz Synagogue is to be rebuilt. This gives us a place where we can continue to fight anti-Semitism in the future.”
“The decision to rebuild a synagogue on the historic site, Bornplatz, is a nice, a clear sign against anti-Semitism. ”
“Jewish life belongs at the center of society: audible, visible, tangible. ”
“I am delighted if the Bornplatz Synagogue will be part of Hamburg again in the future, just like the Alster, the Port, Michel and Haspa. Haspa is there — join in too! ”
“Jewish life is an important part of our society. Germany would not be complete without the Jewish communities. We need you! ”
“The Shoah and the mass murder of Jews was not only a breach of civilization, but also impoverished our society spiritually and culturally. That is why we must do everything we can to promote Jewish life in Hamburg again and make it visible.”
“We are not living in 1938, but today. Let's rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue!”
“The fight against anti-Semitism also includes making Jewish life publicly accessible again on a daily basis”
“100,000 votes for the rebuilding of the Bornplatz Synagogue — and mine is there! Against anti-Semitism and for lively Jewish life in Eimsbüttel and throughout Hamburg, get involved!”
“Anti-Semitism is a shame, especially in Germany. Therefore: No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“The Nazis demolished the Bornplatz Synagogue so that Judaism was no longer visible in Hamburg. Now we have to rebuild it true to the original!”
“Now is the time in Hamburg to say “No to anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue “as a future-oriented symbol of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“The discussion about rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue are coming at the right time: Germany has woken up to do something about growing Anti-Semitism.”
“In 1938, the Bornplatz Synagogue was desecrated and set on fire. We are committed to rebuilding them. ”
“Especially in times when many people are unsettled, it is important to set an example for democratic values, tolerance and diversity. That is why we are happy to support the initiative “No to Anti-Semitism. Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Our free society has no place for anti-Semitism. It has space for the diversity of beliefs, of convictions. It needs places where this diversity is visibly experienced. That is why we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“The Executive Committee of the University of Hamburg is also in favour of rebuilding the synagogue. Proximity is important to us. ”
“HAW Hamburg is a place of science, it is also a place of dialogue, understanding, tolerance and humanity. Jewish life belongs to Hamburg — so we are clearly in favour of a new building for the Bornplatz Synagogue.”
“As long as fellow citizens of Jewish faith are spat on or beaten in Germany, it is up to all of us to make it clear that we are not prepared to accept this. One sign that we want Jewish life in Germany is the construction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“It is good that there is Jewish life again in Germany. It is important that we stand up against Anti-Semitism and it is very good when the Bornplatz Synagogue in Hamburg is resurrected. ”
“Jewish religion and culture must have a firm place in our diverse Hamburg urban society. This includes the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue in the Grindelquarter, which was destroyed by the Nazis and is to once again become a central location of Jewish culture and religion in Hamburg.
“I am delighted with the initiative! In my personal and professional environment, I will promote that everyone is really involved and says "No" to Anti-Semitism and "Yes" to the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Dear Hamburgians, we want to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue together with you! With your support we want to send a signal that the entire city wants this synagogue!”
“I am happy if today we are once again setting an example against anti-Semitism where this wild parking lot at the university used to be.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place here in Hamburg, in Germany, in the EU and Europe. Support this project just as we do in the Green Group Hamburg.”
“It is not only important to us to combat anti-Semitism, but it is also important to us to actively promote Jewish life in the city and let it shine in new splendor.”
“Bornplatz is located in the middle of Eimsbüttel, right on Grindel, and I am pleased that Eimsbüttel is being further strengthened as a center of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place in our society. That is why it is absolutely right to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue and thus make Jewish life more visible in Hamburg.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place among us. It is incredibly important that we set an example against it. This synagogue at this location can certainly be that symbol.”
“As a politician from Eimsbüttel, as a student and as an anti-fascist, I clearly say 'yes' to this initiative. We need a synagogue on Bornplatz.”
“Jewish life belongs to Hamburg and must become more visible again. I support this initiative and would be delighted if you would do the same.”
“I think it's not too much to ask for us to be able to make some of the Jewish life in Hamburg visible again.”
“And it is just as important that Jewish life becomes more visible in our public sphere. That is why I support this initiative.”
“Anti-Semitism in Germany too is the painful experience that we have had to make again for some time now. I wonder where all this anti-Semitism comes from. Have we learned nothing from history?”
“In order to heal the wounds of the past, we must set an example in the present.”
“A very significant part of the cultural treasure that was thought to have been lost has therefore reappeared. After 82 years, the crown is now being brought back home as a symbol of the future of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“That's when that dreadful night comes. Hundreds of synagogues are being destroyed all over Germany, including ours on Bornplatz. Now I've heard that there is finally a way to rebuild our magnificent, proud house. Darkness is behind me, light is ahead of me.”
“When we consider that the worst curse word in many Hamburg schoolyards is now 'You Jew, 'then it becomes very clear that we must send a signal that Jewish life in Hamburg is not only back but also welcomed and has a firm place.”
“Anti-Semitism has no place in Hamburg and never will, neither in public spaces nor in our hearts. The commitment to the Jewish faith needs a place — that is exactly the Bornplatz Synagogue! ”
“Racism, fascism and anti-Semitism destroyed the synagogue. The modern, cosmopolitan society can rebuild the synagogue. That would be a good sign for tolerance, for a peaceful coexistence of religions and cultures. ”
“Jewish life is part of Hamburg. I therefore say yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue and very clearly no to anti-Semitism.”
“I want Jewish life to be visible, in Hamburg and in Germany.”
“We should do everything we can to ensure that Jewish life has a strong place in our society, because Judaism is an important root of our European culture.”
“Jewish life in Hamburg has existed since the end of the 16th century. Although the relationship between Hamburgers and their fellow Jewish citizens was not always untroubled, Jewish life in Germany must be unhostile and possible in the peaceful coexistence of all religions.”
“Cosmopolitanism and religious freedom are just as much a part of Hamburg as the port and the Alster. People from over one hundred and twenty nations with a wide variety of religions work here at Asklepios. We are against racism, anti-Semitism and are committed to the campaign.”
“We want Jewish life in our city to become even more visible. This is important for our diverse society.”
“The synagogue on Bornplatz was destroyed 82 years ago. The Jewish community has now set itself the goal of rebuilding it there. For that, she needs the support of all of us.”
“Next year we will be celebrating 1700 years of Jewish life in Germany. It is the ideal year to once again anchor a visible sign of Jewish life in the city in Hamburg.”
“75 years after the end of the war, it is really time for us to rebuild this synagogue here in Hamburg. It is simply important to see Jewish life properly again in this city.”
“We support the Bornplatz Synagogue's initiative for more Jewish life in Hamburg, because Jewish life belongs to Hamburg, as a matter of course.”
“In today's world, everyone is required to make a clear commitment against anti-Semitism.”
“This is a very important project for Hamburg. I hope that all Hamburgers will participate.”
“Grindel stood for Jewish life in Hamburg. Today, Grindel once again stands for Jewish life in Hamburg. Let us rebuild the synagogue on Bornplatz together.”
“The Shoah and the mass murder of Jews was not only a breach of civilization, but also impoverished our society spiritually and culturally. That is why we must do everything we can to promote Jewish life in Hamburg again and make it visible.”
“No to anti-Semitism. Not in Hamburg, not in Germany, not anywhere else.”
“Anti-Semitism must have no place in Hamburg. You too support Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“We need more visibility of Jewish life in Hamburg.”
“Jewish life has been part of Hamburg for centuries. It is time for it to be more visible.”
“Today, it is our task to ensure that anti-Semitism never again has a majority in this country. Rebuilding the Bornplatz Synagogue on the square where it burned down is the right signal for this.”
“The school is now also owned by the Jewish community and I think it is time to take the next step to bring the synagogue back to its original place.”
“It is long overdue that we make Jewish life in Hamburg more visible. The Bornplatz Synagogue is just the right place for that.”
“82 years after the Reichspogrom Night, it is time not only to remember the dead, but also to send clear signals for a diverse society and for Jewish life today.”
“I was delighted that the coalition decided in the last legislature to rebuild the Bornplatz Synagogue. I know that it has sparked enthusiasm in the Jewish community and the community members are looking forward to this place when it is realized.”
“The DGB is supporting the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. The more Jewish life we have in the city, the more we are setting an example against far-right and anti-Semitic activities. ”
“I am delighted if the Bornplatz Synagogue will be part of Hamburg again in the future, just like the Alster, the Port, Michel and Haspa. Haspa is there — join in too! ”
“We want to look ahead: We want a city of diversity, tolerance and a city that in the future can open up the future with all people, regardless of their denomination, orientation. In this respect, we stand by the reconstruction of the synagogue. ”
“We at Wärme Hamburg love our hometown and reject racism and discrimination. That is why we say “No to Anti-Semitism” and “Yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue.” Cast your vote too! ”
“The decision to rebuild a synagogue on the historic site, Bornplatz, is a nice, a clear sign against anti-Semitism. ”
“Yes to Bornplatz Synagogue... no to fascism. As the Turkish Community of Hamburg, we welcome the initiative and call for support from politics and society. ”
“We must do everything we can to overcome the growing anti-Semitism in our society. This includes making it clear that Jews have a permanent place in our society. With the reconstruction, we are sending an important signal for this.”
“The Bornplatz Synagogue was a place of flourishing Jewish life in Hamburg — an asset for our city. At the same time, the Bornplatz Synagogue became a place of crime and civil society failure. If there is now an opportunity to rebuild this town, it is a good sign for our city.”
“The fact that the Bornplatz Synagogue is being rebuilt is the best answer you can give the Nazis of that time to annoy them. But it is also an answer to today's anti-Semites of all stripes.”
“I see it as our task to promote religious peace in our city. For me, building the synagogue is a clear sign against increasing anti-Semitism.”
“As a Hamburg-based company, we stand by Jewish history, but also by the present and future. That is why we are very happy to participate in the campaign against anti-Semitism and for the Bornplatz Synagogue. “
“With the reconstruction of a place of prayer and encounter that was destroyed in such an abominable way, the city of Hamburg and its inhabitants have the chance to share another chapter in their history. ”
“Hamburg can only congratulate itself if the synagogue on Bornplatz is rebuilt. That fits in with our liberal city. I think it's a great signal against right-wing extremism!”
“As anti-Semitism continues to rise globally, the Bornplatz Synagogue is a living testimony to the call “never again” and a living symbol of the perseverance of the Jewish people. Thank you to the City of Hamburg and the Government of Germany for this important, symbolic and meaningful decision.”
“The reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue would be a really strong sign against anti-Semitism and for religious diversity, which thrives on people becoming visible to each other.”
„Die Initiative zum Wiederaufbau der Bornplatzsynagoge trägt dazu bei, dass jüdisches Leben in Hamburg weiter wächst. Als Bauwerk bringt die Synagoge den Wunsch und Willen der jüdischen Menschen in Hamburg zur Darstellung, dass dieses Leben in der Öffentlichkeit stattfindet.“
“Jewish life is an important part of our society. Germany would not be complete without the Jewish communities. We need you! ”
“I too say no to anti-Semitism and yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue! The reconstruction of the synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in 1939 would be an important and widely visible sign of remembrance. It can also be a way to live Jewish life and Jewish culture more strongly in Hamburg. ”
“I am pleased that we have seen a flourishing Jewish life in the Grindelviertel in recent years. In this respect, I support the construction of the new synagogue on Bornplatz and wish the project many supporters.”
“We have been living here in good quarters with the Jewish community for over 50 years, and we would like to expand this further. That is why we say no to anti-Semitism and yes to the reconstruction of the Bornplatz Synagogue. ”
“Diversity and tolerance are part of this city's DNA. As CEO of HHLA and as a citizen, I say “no” to any form of discrimination in my private and corporate environment. There must never again be a breeding ground for anti-Semitism in Germany. ”
“Hamburg is a place to arrive and meet — a cosmopolitan city. ”
“Jewish life belongs at the center of society: audible, visible, tangible. ”
“We are looking forward to the rebuilding of the Bornplatz Synagogue in the historic guise of 1906, making Jewish life possible in the middle of Hamburg and setting an example as a society. Jewish life enriches all of our lives — that is what we stand for, today and in the future. ”
“Jewish life belongs to us, to Germany, to Hamburg. What history teaches us: What ostracism and hate lead to. Therefore: No to anti-Semitism and yes to the Bornplatz Synagogue. Let us fill the memorials of destruction with life again. ”
“Where synagogues are rebuilt, humanity reigns. In this respect, we are delighted when the gap between the Hamburger Kammerspiele and the Bornplatz Synagogue will soon be filled again.”